Written by Hans Kragh, Sales Manager, Admix Europe
What’s left behind after a typical juice extraction process for fruits and vegetables are stems, skin, and pulpy matter, known as pomace. Processors can either discard the pomace or rework it and incorporate it into another process. And which do you think will improve yields?
You guessed it; reworking wins every time!
An Admix customer uses our Boston Shearmill wet mill for reworking several types of fruit and vegetable pomace. The Boston Shearmill reduces the particle size sufficiently enough so that it can be reincorporated back into their processes.
One notable example is carrot pomace. Carrots are a great source of fiber and are rich in carotenoids which are believed to offer protective health benefits to those who consume them. Reworking carrot pomace was a trifecta win for our customer. They saved on disposing of the waste, they economically added a natural functional ingredient into their next process, and their yields increased! The return on investment for their Boston Shearmill was extremely short, about a month!
We’ve been helping processors for over 30 years improve their processes and their yields. Contact us for your next mixing challenge!