Admix delivers faster batches, better product, and consistent fill weights with its Fastfeed powder induction system.
Our Fastfeed system inducts and disperses dairy (and other) powders and stabilizers up to 450 lbs/min and produces silky smooth, lump-free product in a single pass. Because no air is added to the product, fill weights are consistent and accurate, which results in reduced product loss. And we won’t even mention that operators can add powders and liquids from the safety of floor level or that the Fastfeed consumes less than half the energy of conventional bottom impeller tank mixers. Those are just added bonuses!
Request a quote or on-site demo and we’ll show you how Fastfeed can deliver these improvements to your powder incorporation processes with an ROI of less than one year.
On March 2, I presented webinar with Dairy Foods and ADPI focused on properly reconstituting dry ingredients to gain full functional performance and consistent finished product properties, while reducing heat exchanger fouling and cleaning frequency. The webinar reviewed how increasing product and production demands require control of ingredients and processes used in formulated, reconstituted food systems and how to enhance your ability to use dry ingredients requiring reconstitution effectively.