Ingredients | Cocoa

Ingredients | Cocoa


Working with cocoa powder as an ingredient can be tricky. It contains a natural starch so it develops considerable viscosity in water. When mixed with sugar and milk solids, the batch becomes dense and viscous. A recipe may have the stiff but light consistency of whipped frosting, or the heavy weight of fudge.

The Rotosolver high shear mixer is excellent for dispersing cocoa powder. For high concentrations, we recommend using a jacketed (heated) kettle with an anchor sweep scraped surface agitator and the Rotosolver. It can work at high temperatures when necessary, is not harmed by fine sugar crystals, and efficiently converts horsepower to intense high-speed mixing. It also:

  • dissolves granulated sugar quickly in cold water
  • quickly disperses the lumps of agglomerated cocoa powder, blending them into a smooth syrup with micron sized particles
  • emulsifies cocoa butter into fine droplets

The Fastfeed powder induction and dispersion system provides rapid introduction and dispersion of cocoa powder. The ergonomic system features a large hopper to feed your powders at ground level, and the Optifeed venturi eductor quickly sucks the solids into the mix tank eliminating climbing.

For an extra smooth finish, a pass through our Boston Shearmill can mill particles even finer. Or if you’re experiencing dusting challenges, VacuShear could be your solution.

Our application engineers are happy to recommend a creative solution for your mixing challenge. Get a free customized quote, try our equipment onsite for 14 days, or test your formula in our pilot lab for free today!