Did you know there are ways to extend the life of your mixers?
1. Ask us to create a preventative maintenance plan and send your mixer to us for a rebuild.
2. Receive onsite training from Admix on how to perform your own preventative maintenance.
3. Ask us to come to your facility for a complete mixer audit.
An Admix Field Service Technician can visit your facility for either a complete mixer audit, conduct preventative maintenance training, or to formulate a preventative maintenance plan. PM training and delving into the installation and operation manual with your key personnel is a great opportunity to address the dos and don’ts and best practices when it comes to your Admix mixers. With mounting being a crucial proponent of mixer longevity, your Admix technician will review proper and adequate mounting as well as plumbing to and from your Admix in-line mixer and adequate support to avoid overhung loading.
These trainings and audits are designed to help you avoid costly down-time, reduce mixer operating costs and maximize the efficiency of your mixing equipment. Having us formulate a PM plan can establish more fixed maintenance costs that can be better controlled and budgeted. Email the Admix Aftermarket Team at aftermarket@admix.com or call (N. America 1-800-466-2369 / Direct: 1-603-627-2340 / Europe: +45 3213 8743) to ask for details or schedule a Field Service Technician visit.